Wednesday, January 17, 2007

This day in history

This Day in Ancient History
ante diem xvi kalendas februarias

Ludi Palatini (day 1)

86 B.C. -- death of Marius (or possibly on the 13th)

38 B.C. -- Octavian marries Livia

6 B.C. -- dedication of the ara Numinis Augusti in Rome

42 A.D. -- consecration of Livia as divine

All from

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Old notes

Two old notes of mine jotted down in haste:

While listening to a political ad, hearing declamation of commonsense repudiation of the neocon manus, hearing demands essential to liberty, one stands aghast at the naked brutality behind these noble platitudes. Reverse tax cuts, more school funding, and as ever, up the alma mater.

Anglo-saxons consider themselves messianically.

Retro Video Game

On a cold September night, the first real chill of the season as August was still a vibrant memory. The compelling imprint still shakes my reflexive assertion of the day’s date, on occasion myself slipping from my mental acuity. Regardless, I had been in the pool house relaxing after a day’s work. Very dim like night. Still two hours till South Park. So, I started silently walking up to the house at a slow, staggered pace. It was then that a vision overcame my imagination wherein my perspective became that of my dog Sadie’s, as if she were in a video game, an early Sega Genesis style, maybe even SNES. A sinister and ominous 8-bit techno theme reverberated through the pixellated screen. While otherwise a character engaged in various attempts to gain objectives, a new objective now appeared with immediate priority. Since her health was low from extended guarding of me, she was chomping at the bit to leave the pool house, so she did. But, she hates most the idea of being abandoned outside. So, she had to get inside with me, or be forced to bark her way in. Her head perks up as she notices my path, a clear route to inside. She immediately whips round and makes for the door, only to be distracted by sub-missions either left unresolved or newly discovered. She dodges through the hostile wilderness of the backyard, heading through new perils to the mission goal, while mopping up the odd loose end. She sees me getting closer, surely a time-limit. A repeated command in a compelling tone, time flees. Her quick, if arthritic, trot suddenly turns into a run. Just in time; music accordingly.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Pretense and TGIF

I am utterly repulsed after just watching a TGIFriday's commercial. A woman annoying the hell out of me by reading the entire menu, "this, no this, OOH, no, this," but the final blow was the hyper-enunciated "Mah-hee Mah-hee" in isolation from the context of the sentence or any regard for organic, colloquial speech. Instead, it was crisply intoned with a self-conscious pretension, the knowledge of knowing, enlightened and sophisticated. Of course, this disgusting display neglects the fact that this is simply not how the word is spoken, or ever used, as the word is Hawaiian, and such usage is inimical to any real understanding of the word and food. A false intellectual reading of the word phonetically, clearly proving a mental midget, see "Fill-ette Mig-Non" or innumerable examples in transliterated Chinese.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Dean ?

The dean publicly claimed credit for brokering the settlement, when in reality he had been nothing but a nuisance. The student-teacher committee was a sham, and I left it swiftly. My other professors were careful not to call on me, fearing, quite rightly, that I would refuse to participate in their classes, just as I'd done in contracts. My potential ladyfriend struggled but got better over time (and she would, in fact, graduate), but I felt regret that while I'd succeeded in being left alone, I wasn't able to help anyone else.

Moreover, I'd seen too much politicking over what was clearly an issue of justice, fairness and freedom. The dean was obviously nothing but a political animal, a glad-handing prevaricator who smiled out of every corner and cranny of his mouth.

History evidently does repeat itself.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Kindergarten & Elementary

The first exposure of kids personally to the state is in the kindly form of gentle teachers. As with the Prussians, kindergarten separates these malleable young minds from the corrosion of parental nurture. Lex quam iustitia.